Music Therapy Session – February 25th
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BC COVID-19 Immunization Plan
B.C.’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan is designed to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19. The information on this page is updated frequently and is subject to change based on vaccine availability and the latest COVID-19 data.
Caregiver Chair Yoga
Tuesdays from 11:30am-12:30pm on Zoom Contact: North Shore Community Resources at or 604-985-7138.
Reminisce the Jukebox Days of the 50’s and 60’s on February 25, 2021 on Zoom
Jukebox Days International Music Reminiscence Program Background Michael White and Jim Kenton have a combined twenty-two years’ experience delivering reminiscence programs in Scotland and Texas. Having seen, first-hand, the positive impact of reminiscence programs – they began using rock ‘n roll memories from the 1950’s and 1960’s in a unique, international music program pairing [...]
Art Therapy Class
Keep Well has partnered with Moving Forward Family Services to offer our Participants an exciting and unique opportunity: 5 free Virtual Art Studio sessions presented over Zoom will take place every Friday afternoon from January 22nd to February 26th from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm. (No session on January 29th). These fun sessions will Integrate mindfulness [...]
Free Online Classes for iPhone, iPad Apple devices and Android available On-Line for ALL Seniors starting January 11, 2021
Don’t know much about technology? The Gluu Society is holding another FREE online session of classes for Seniors to learn how to use, or better use, any iPads, iPhones Apple and Android devices. These classes will help you improve your skills and, right now, are no cost. Later, there may be a charge for the same classes. The [...]
Monitoring your blood pressure at home
The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation has good advice on how to take your blood pressure at home using a blood pressure monitor you have purchased.