
About Corina fong

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So far Corina fong has created 35 blog entries.

Free Income Tax Clinics for Low-Income Seniors

Income Tax Clinics at Silver Harbour Income Tax Clinics at Silver Harbour will again be hosting free income tax clinics for lower income seniors in the months of March and April ($35,000 or less per person and $45,000 or less per couple, and interest income of $1000 or less). Specially trained volunteers can help you [...]

2021-11-18T07:57:05-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

UBC Neurology Survey

Researchers from UBC Neurology are interested to hear your perspectives about new technologies for older adults! This research study involves completing an anonymous 20-minute online survey to answer questions about pet-like robots. You do not need any previous experience with robots to take part in the survey. They are looking for participants over the age of 50.  You may [...]

2021-11-18T07:44:11-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|
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