Past News Archives

A New Keep Well Site!

Come and join us at St. John The Evangelist Anglican Church. Exercises with Christine Colbow begin at 11:30 am on Tuesday mornings. Come and have your blood pressure taken at 11 am.  The address is: 220 8th Street West, North Vancouver, V7M 1N1.  

2021-11-18T07:39:13-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Keep Well Week 2017

We celebrated our 30th Anniversary during Keep Well week from 11th to 15th September 2017. A demonstration class was held at Capilano Mall on Wednesday 13th September. There was cake and  Starbucks coffee for everyone. There were celebrations, speakers and prizes at each one of the eight sites throughout the week. Thank you to all who [...]

2021-11-18T07:39:10-08:00Categories: Past News Archives|

Parkgate High Tea for Easter

Parkgate High Tea for Easter On April 1st, the Parkgate Community Centre held a Traditional High Tea for Easter. Joy Gardiner, the Keep Well Site Coordinator and several other Keep Well Volunteers and participants took advantage of the day and donned some lovely Easter hats. Joy is seen in the first photograph, Linda Skoog and [...]

2021-11-18T07:37:20-08:00Categories: Past News 2015, Past News Archives|

Senior Service Providers Expo

Senior Service Providers Expo Keep Well Fitness Director, Andy Demeule is seen here with Sharon Bidder, Certified Shiatsu Therapist and owner of Soothing Hands Shiatsu in West Vancouver. Both attended the Senior Service Providers Expo that was held at the West Vancouver Seniors’ Activity Centre on February 28th. A large crowd was in attendance, browsing [...]

Nutrition Presentations

Nutrition Presentations Volunteer and Keep Well Participant, Iara Gilbertson, gives excellent and informative Nutrition presentations on a variety of topics. Seen here Iara is giving a power point presentation on Bowel Health for Seniors to participants at North Shore Neighbourhood House.

2021-11-18T07:37:25-08:00Categories: Past News 2015, Past News Archives|

North Shore Community Foundation reception

North Shore Community Foundation reception Keep Well President Libby Kelley accepts a cheque from David Alsop, President of the North Shore Community Foundation at a reception held for all of their grant recipients in December. Also, another great shot with Alan Jones who is representing the Sheila Jones Seniors’ Fund. Sheila Jones was a long [...]

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